Please click on the images to see larger versions. It was a beautiful, misty sunrise at Mt. Vernon (Skagit Valley) today. A few of the fields have begun to bloom, and the scenery looked spectacular with Mt. Baker and the North Cascades in the distance. Here are a few shots that I thought were worth sharing. I hope you enjoy ’em!
April 23, 2011
Wow wow wow and wow!!!
April 23, 2011
This is so breathtakingly beautiful.
April 24, 2011
I think these are champion photos!! I just am totally moved!
April 24, 2011
Wish I were there.
April 24, 2011
Amazing Mahesh! I never did so many tulips in bloom when I went there last week or maybe I didnt go to the right spot. thanks!
April 26, 2011
I especially loved the one unique yellow among the reds…must have been like getting down on your hands-and-knees, looking for a 4-leaf clover. Stunning.
April 26, 2011
Are you sure these aren’t images from the Floriade in the Netherlands? Creative “down low” perspective. Lovely!
April 29, 2011
These are breathtaking!!!