Flower of the Forest: Panasonic Lumix GH2, Panasonic 14-140mm
Please click on the images to see larger versions. My friend, Mike, and I recently spent a few days at Redwood National Park, in northern California. We stayed in Crescent City and took several day hikes into the forest. The Rhodies were out in full bloom in the northern part of the park but somewhat scarce further south. The weather was hit and miss, but we tried to make the best of it. I hope you enjoy these images.

Forest from the Trees: Panasonic GH2, Panasonic 14-140mm

The Tree Cave: Panasonic GH2, Panasonic 7-14mm

Florescent Green: Panasonic GH2, Panasonic 7-14mm

Pretty in Pink: Panasonic GH2, Panasonic 14-140mm

A Slug's Life: Panasonic GH2, Panasonic 14-140mm

Leaf Trail: Panasonic GH2, Panasonic 14-140mm

Forest in Bloom: Panasonic GH2, Panasonic 14-140mm

Heavy is the Head: Panasonic GH2, Panasonic 100-300mm

Battery Point Light: Panasonic GH2, Panasonic 14-140mm
June 1, 2011
love them
June 1, 2011
CA is my ‘Home State’, where I was born. Seattle is my current, much-loved home. Yet your photos have managed to truly capture, and convey, a state that still has much beauty. Thank you.
June 1, 2011
I’m also from Cal. and have been many times along the North Coast and through the redwoods–enjoyed the photos–Battery Point B/W is very cool.
June 4, 2011
Love the photos. As a resident of Ca, I feel the natural beauty should be celebrated.
June 5, 2011
Amazing photos as usual Mahesh. Love how you control that GH2 of yours. Well done
June 6, 2011
The rhodies look more delicate than ours. Great shots! -r