Seattle View from the Aurora Bridge

Aurora Bridge View: Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS

Here’s a view of Seattle from another venue you may not have heard of:  The Aurora Bridge (Click the image for a larger version).  Mike and I accessed the north end of the bridge via a staircase leading up from the east side of the famous Fremont Troll.  Infamous for the relatively large number of suicides, the Aurora Bridge nevertheless offers spectacular views of the Emerald city.  Photographing from the bridge is a bit challenging, so here are a few lessons learned from our outing:

1.  It can get quite windy up there and the closer you get to the center of the bridge, the more vibrations you’ll pick up from the traffic.  Staying as close as possible to the north end of the bridge will help.

2.  I almost never use the “Image Stabilization” feature on my lens, but on this occasion, it came in very handy, even on the tripod.

3.  Bump up the ISO on your camera and use a relatively big aperture (I used ISO 400 and an aperture of f/4) to keep the shutter speed up. By the way, can you tell by my tips that vibrations are a big problem here?  Don’t worry about the depth of field too much as the distant city and Mt. Rainier are close enough to infinity as far as the lens in concerned.

4.  The walkway is relatively narrow, and you may have to move your tripod to let walkers and bikers pass.

  • Chris Budech
    February 1, 2011

    Have enjoyed the cityscapes—drawn to the lignt on Mt. Ranier on this photo

  • Deborah
    February 1, 2011

    Isn’t that the houseboat community from sleepless in Seattle? 🙂 nice work yet again!

  • Mahesh
    February 1, 2011

    Thanks, Chris. The light on Rainier is what drew me as well. 🙂

  • Mahesh
    February 1, 2011

    Deb, thanks! You may be correct about the houseboat community. It’s been way too long since I saw that movie. 🙂

  • Ann
    February 1, 2011

    beautiful, Mahesh

  • Naveen
    February 2, 2011

    love the perspective! I was trying to locate the Space needle here…

  • Nathan Schepker
    February 8, 2011

    Unbelievable, Mahesh! You make me want to live in Seattle!

  • Umair
    February 24, 2011

    Hi Mahesh,

    I tried to duplicate your exact shot but did not realize that there is a huge suicide fence running along either side of the bridge. Nonetheless, i managed to stick to a corner right next to the stairs from the Freemont Troll. Next time I will bring my telephoto lens to this shot. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I really enjoy your work.

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